Ways to Install Multiple Apps on Android at Once
Everytime you switch smartphones, you have to install all the apps that you had on your last Android phone all over again. Reasons for changing smartphones can range from losing devices to giving in to impulse and buying a new shiny toy. Whatever the reason, you have to begin with a clean slate (or a clean home screen). An average user has about 90 apps installed on his device at any given time. Surprisingly, most people don’t use half of them for long periods of time, but still find it difficult to uninstall them. What if I need it in the future? It's not really troubling me anyway. Let it be. The problem? Installing that many apps one-by-one can be cumbersome, time consuming, boring, and frustrating. Solution? Let’s find out. 1. INSTALL FROM MOBILE We are going to mass-install all the apps using their APK files. For the uninitiated, APK is a file format used for Android apps. Like EXE for Windows. If you don’t have the app's APK files, you can download them ...